Greys Anatomy Could We Start Again Please Transcript

" They say life doesn't give you second chances. But nosotros do. Surgeons do. You pause a bone, we put it back together. Yous bleed, we make information technology cease. You flatline, we resuscitate you. Merely as much every bit we requite people second chances, surgeons don't usually go them, considering the kind of mistakes we make, are sometimes incommunicable to recover from. Information technology's hard to give second chances. It'due south even harder to ask for them. A chance to practise information technology again, knowing what yous know now, what you lot've learned. A chance to do information technology completely differently. A take chances to right our wrongs, to try and correct our mistakes. A take a chance to try and outset over, from scratch. "

Could We First Again, Please? is the 7th episode of the eleventh season and the 227th overall episode ofGrey's Beefcake.


  • 1 Short Summary
  • two Full Summary
  • 3 Cast
    • Principal Bandage
    • 3.2 Invitee Stars
    • 3.iii Co-Starring
    • three.4 Uncredited
  • 4 Medical Notes
    • four.ane Nicole Herman
    • 4.2 Norris Straughn
    • 4.3 Harriet Straughn
    • iv.4 ER Patient
    • 4.five Emily Jensen
    • Baby Jensen
    • 4.7 Jo'due south Patient
  • five Music
  • vi Notes and Trivia
  • 7 Gallery
    • 7.ane Episode Stills
    • 7.two Behind the Scenes
  • viii Quotes
  • 9 See As well

Brusque Summary [ ]

Secrets nearly Amelia's by addictions come to calorie-free and cause bug for her at the hospital, Bailey oversees Jo'south beginning solo surgery, and Arizona must make an executive determination in Dr. Herman'due south absence. Meanwhile, the doctors spring into action when a couple arrives at the emergency room after escaping a fire.

Full Summary [ ]

While Meredith'due south voice over talks about second chances, Derek has a flashback to his father beingness threatened in his store, while he and Amelia play in the dorsum.

Meredith runs into Maggie equally they're both on their way to the ER. Meredith apologizes for final nighttime, and explains she and Derek lost rail of time. Maggie claims she's not mad almost it.

In a lounge, Herman asks Arizona what she's decided, but Arizona hasn't decided yet. Arizona wants to know more, but Herman refuses to share more data. Arizona asks more questions and Herman assures her she's not gonna do annihilation to endanger her patients. She says Arizona is not entitled to her situation. She is, however, entitled to her knowledge about fetal surgery. She's giving Arizona the run a risk to take her work into her future. She wants Arizona to make up her mind. As she's on her way out, Herman informs her that today's surgeries are cancelled as she has an engagement, about which she'southward non gonna tell Arizona more.

Callie, Meredith, Maggie, and Owen are waiting for the ambulance. Callie and Meredith were upwardly all night. Sofia's been acting out, asking almost her and Arizona, merely Callie doesn't know how and when to tell her, so she's just miserable. Meredith on the other manus was upwardly having sex all dark. The ambulance arrives. The paramedic tells them that the couple on the gurney fell 2 stories from a called-for building. The man is holding on to his wife, who's not moving. The paramedics tried to pull her off, as she's dead, only he just didn't permit become.

Every bit they enter the ER, paramedic Nicole brings Amelia up to speed. They take the patients to a trauma room. Derek comes over to help out, simply Amelia refers him dorsum to the caput lac in bed three. She doesn't need him on the instance, and she'southward certain at that place will come more lacs he can stitch upward.

In order to properly examine Norris, they need to remove his wife Hattie from the gurney, but he doesn't want to let go. Meredith and Maggie talk him into letting her get. Hattie is led down on another gurney. As Meredith takes her apart to pronounce time of death, Norris holds onto her hand till the very concluding moment. While the other doctors examine Norris, Meredith uses an ultrasound to confirm that in that location'southward no pulse. She urges her colleagues to be quiet, and somewhen finds a very weak pulse. They take her to the other trauma room. Before Amelia can go, Norris grasps her paw. She promises him to take good care of Hattie.

Arizona is doing an ultrasound on Emily Jensen with Graham past her side. Corey Jensen asks where Dr. Herman is. Arizona doesn't respond. She's concerned the infant is bleeding into the tumor itself, causing her to exist bloodless. Arizona at present says Herman had an engagement. Corey wants her at that place, as the whole signal of fetal surgery was to become the baby to term. It'southward still the point, Arizona says, and explains what Herman will virtually likely do. Arizona will apprise her, and they'll come back to inform them about how they'll move forward.

Outside the room, Graham asks where Herman is. As Arizona calls Herman, she says she has no idea. Herman better pick up, because Emily Jensen's baby is going to die.

Working on Hattie, Maggie wants to put in a chest tube, but Amelia needs a CT start to confirm a depressed temporal os fracture. April comes over; she's on her way to CT, and then she asks if someone's free to update the family unit.

Amelia walks upwards to the desk and recognizes Sarah, the woman waiting there. Sarah is surprised to run across that Amelia'southward a doc. Sarah says her parents where in a fire. Knowing Sarah is Hattie and Norris's girl, Amelia tells her what they know then far. As her neurosurgeon, Amelia volition have to operate on her mother. Sarah refuses to let Amelia operate and asks a nurse for another medico. Owen comes over to see what'due south going on as Sarah yells she wants some other doctor. Sarah yells that Amelia is a drug aficionado whom she met at Narcotics Anonymous. She blurts out Amelia'southward secrets, including Ryan's expiry. Owen takes Sarah with him to let her at-home downwardly. Derek comes over to Amelia and assures Sarah he'south got this. Derek looks at a shocked Amelia and then walks up to Hattie, endmost the defunction behind him.

Meredith sits downwards with Derek as he'due south prepping to go into the OR. Meredith thinks he was supposed to take her side instead of taking her instance, every bit she was being attacked. Derek explains that the woman had it out for Amelia, and so if annihilation had gone wrong, she'd accept blamed Amelia for existence an addict. Derek is going to talk to Owen though to make clean this up.

Arizona meets up with Alex in the NICU and tells him most her case. She tin't exercise the fetal surgical process herself and Herman'due south gone, so she'southward panicking. Alex reminds her that they can as well evangelize the baby and then he'll fix the trouble with a pediatric surgery. Arizona says the baby's just at 28 weeks and the indicate of fetal surgery was to get information technology to term, but Alex says it'southward the only way to relieve the kid. Arizona leaves Herman a voice post bulletin, informing her that if she hasn't called dorsum in xxx minutes, she'll deliver the baby and resect the SCT. Alex promises to be ready in thirty minutes in case she'll need him, and she goes to book an OR.

Jo is throwing up in the hospital bathroom. Stephanie suggests she accept Jo's first solo surgery off her hands if she's also nervous. As she leaves the stall, Jo says she'southward not likewise nervous. She knows how to repair a hernia, and lists the steps to prove it. Stephanie thinks Bailey'due south going to eat Jo alive, but Jo says she's not because she's a badass. She's got this procedure down, and she's not afraid of little fragmentary Dr. Bailey. Some other toilet is flushed and Bailey leaves her stall, creating an awkward moment for Jo.

As Amelia walks through the hallways, she hears people whispering nearly her. As she sees Richard, she asks him to talk.

In a private room, she tells him what happened. She assures him she'south sober. She never disclosed her recovery when she was hired, as Derek hired her and she figured people knew. Then Sarah's the only one who did something incorrect, past violating her privacy, Richard tells her. He also reminds her that she's under no obligation to tell anyone anything more, unless she's done something that compromised her power to exercise her job. And she hasn't, and so she doesn't have to say anything more about it. These are her rights. It'due south her past, and she doesn't accept to defend information technology. By coming here, Amelia thought she had a chance to become away from her past, but she at present realizes you never get away from information technology. He tells her to stay on runway now, practice her chore, and become to a coming together every bit presently as she can.

Arizona is waiting in a scrub room. Only less than a minute left for Herman to call her back. When the minute's passed, Alex comes out of the OR where Emily'southward been put nether. Alex says she'south making the right call. Arizona leaves Herman another message. For all she knows, Herman could be dead, so she'due south decided to tell Hunt as soon as she gets out of surgery. She hangs upwardly the phone and starts scrubbing.

As Amelia'southward writing on the OR board, people are however whispering about her. Owen comes over to talk about what happened, but she has nothing to say to articulate this up equally he's heard all the facts from Sarah. Amelia says she was removed from the instance per Sarah's request, which is her right. He tries to have a chat, just it's none of his business equally long as she'due south doing her task, which she is. She says it's her correct non to discuss this with him. He walks off.

Arizona delivers the baby and hands it off to Alex. As Arizona wants to assist out on the babe, she asks Graham to handle Emily. He's washed about a million C-sections, so he knows how to. She asks him to find her when he'due south done as the baby'south being taken to OR seven.

Derek, Jackson, Maggie, and Stephanie are operating. In that location's a bleeding, which Maggie easily fixes. Derek asks Jackson if his babe'south gonna exist a boy or a girl. They're keeping it a surprise every bit April wants it to be a surprise. He nonetheless doesn't meet the fun in being hopelessly unprepared. Derek reminds him that even though they knew about his son's gender, he was all the same delivered past an intern in a pitch-blackness room during a super storm. Surprises happen. Jackson doesn't observe comfort in that. Derek says that afterward weeks on the bench, he's now saving a adult female's life without fifty-fifty opening up her skull, so Jackson better comprehend surprises.

Callie and Meredith are operating on Norris. Callie finds information technology amazing that he tried to intermission his wife's fall. Everyone keeps telling Callie that things will become better eventually, and Callie's actually prepare for the easier role. Meredith tells her nearly her and Derek's system of fourth dimension-outs. While time-outing, they even forget they're mad. Derek seems better at abode, at least. She keeps waiting for the other shoe to drop, simply possibly in that location is no other shoe. Callie gives her a shoe by telling her that their time-outs are band-aids. They embrace the damage, but don't set it, and it gets even uglier when you pull fourth dimension off. "Trust me, there'south always another shoe," Callie says.

While Bailey reads a magazine, Jo does her solo procedure. Jo updates her on her progress. Seems like she's got it all under control. Bailey compliments her for not having barfed in her mask.

Alex and Arizona are operating on the baby. She thinks information technology's squeamish to be operating together like quondam times. A nurse comes in to tell Arizona that Graham's asked for her, urgently.

Arizona enters Graham's OR, which has turned into a encarmine mess. Knox informs her that Emily's already gone through eight units of claret. Graham is panicking. He did everything he was supposed to. Arizona asks to gown and glove her. She suspects information technology'south placenta percreta, which is probably invading deeper structures. She'south surprised he didn't see it and that no one stopped him. She asks to have Chase or whatsoever other trauma surgeon paged. She tells Graham to move and steps in.

Owen and Derek update Sarah on her patients on what they know so far. She thank you them and she says she didn't want to practice to Amelia what she did. She'due south in NA besides and she broke an oath, but it was about her parents. Derek doesn't look at her. Every bit they walk off, Owen asks what he'due south looking at with Amelia's situation. Information technology's all true. Owen needs to know if they desire her out of the neuro chief position. Derek doesn't respond, but Owen figures what he wants to say, only can't, considering Amelia'southward his sister. As Owen walks off, Derek has some other flashback of him roofing Amelia'southward mouth as their male parent is shot.

April is gowned and gloved in Arizona'south OR. Arizona didn't want Apr to run across this, only April tin handle it. As April steps in, Arizona says nor the CT, nor Herman noticed the placenta percreta. Arizona feels it has extended to Emily'due south kidney and asks to keep the blood coming, as Emily's losing a liter every two minutes. Apr wonders why any adult female even has babies.

Meredith thinks they tin can close up Norris. Owen comes in to call an emergency board meeting about Amelia. Meredith is surprised, every bit she idea Derek was going to talk to Owen. "He did," Owen says as he leaves. Callie tells her it's the other shoe and Meredith runs after him.

While having more than flashbacks to the 24-hour interval of the murder of his father, Derek paces upwards and down.

Derek meets Amelia and asks if Owen talked to her nigh her job. Amelia, thinking she's gonna lose her job, asks Derek to talk to him. Derek honestly says he already did, and that he may have given him the thought. He promises to fix information technology as she starts calling him names and says that she stayed in Seattle for him while she had built a 2nd life in Los Angeles. She can't sympathize how he could do this to her, his sis. He promises once again to fix it and leaves.

Meredith finally finds Derek. She asks about the Amelia situation, but he doesn't want to talk to her about it now.

Jo walks upwardly to Stephanie and says she nailed her surgery, step by pace. She fails to say 1 stride, making Jo beginning questioning if she did that step in the OR.

Emily is still existence operated on equally a nurse tells Arizona that Alex needs her. April tells her she'south got Emily. Arizona rushes to Alex's OR, just to find it empty. She asks a janitor where Karev is.

Arizona runs upwards to Alex at the nurses' station. He says the surgery went dandy. He knew she was in a twist about the kid, so he idea she'd like to update the begetter with him. Just as she wants to tell Alex that Emily is critical, Corey comes over to ask nearly his family. Alex tells him that his daughter is looking proficient, fifty-fifty though she'll need to stay in the NICU for a while. He asks if Emily'due south seen her. Arizona tells him that at that place've been complications, causing Emily to lose a lot of blood. Corey is upset, because Herman had a plan and at present his married woman is bleeding out and his baby's in critical care and he doesn't even know who Arizona is. Arizona needs to go dorsum to Emily'southward OR as Corey asks where the hell their doctor is.

Arizona runs back to April's OR, but to observe April calling time of decease and Graham crying.

Amelia and Meredith are sitting in the gallery. Meredith assures her that it was a misunderstanding with Owen, which Derek is now fixing. Amelia doesn't know why she should believe that. As her blood brother, he gets to steal her toys and pull her hair and call her names. It'due south why he thinks he can get abroad with it. Meredith doesn't get information technology, as she was raised as only kid. And she'south historically lousy at existence a sister. Amelia says it's good plenty that she's here right now.

Jo is double-checking with Bailey if she didn't miss the step. Jo herself really can't recall if she hitting the iliac vein or not. Bailey is going to run a CT and she tells Jo to pray that her patient isn't bleeding to death correct now.

Every board fellow member but Arizona has gathered in a conference room. Derek comes in and says they don't need to start. He knows they're here to figure out what's going on with Amelia, but he assures them she's working really hard in recovery, and that she's successful at it. As he has more flashbacks, he says that Sarah, the infirmary, and more chiefly, he should accept protected her. He didn't protect her because he wants her chore. The fact that they're all here is his mistake. Derek tells Owen that Amelia should stay where she is. She's doing the job, and he couldn't do it whatsoever better.

Alex assures Arizona that Emily's baby is doing good. She doesn't know how to tell Corey that his wife died. Alex thinks Herman should've been here, but Arizona says that because she wasn't, Emily was her responsibility. They stop as they encounter Herman talking to Corey. Arizona sneaks into the room.

Herman explains to Corey that the conditon she was suffering from is really hard to diagnose. If Emily had carried the baby to term, similar they planned, she almost likely would've died too. Herman makes it clear that if they had washed the fetal surgery, he nearly probable would've lost both his married woman and his daughter. Robbins did everything within her power to salve his wife, but she did save his baby.

Arizona follows Herman into a lounge as she complains about Herman's absence. Herman disappears into the toilet room. Arizona hears her throw upwards and she stops talking. Herman comes out and they sit down. Herman says her doctors decided yesterday that she needs some aggressive radiation therapy, immediately. That's where she was today and it hitting her a fiddling harder than she expected it to. Everything she said to Corey was true. Arizona saved a infant that they would've lost. She logged into the hospital'due south interface to monitor Arizona'due south progress all 24-hour interval. She made all the right calls. Herman says the only thing she could accept washed is perform an intrauterine transfusion to keep the baby in a little longer and maybe they could have detected the percreta earlier, but that doesn't mind they could've washed anything for Emily that Arizona didn't do. Arizona says she wants to know how to exercise the intrauterine transfusion. If there's a gamble she could've saved that female parent, she has to know how for the next time. Herman can show her tomorrow, unless she's planning on having a conversation with Master Hunt. Arizona is not anymore. Herman gets upwards and leaves, telling Arizona to go dwelling house.

Stephanie is sitting in the locker room with Jo. She promises to stay with her, only leaves equally presently equally Bailey orders her to go. Bailey says the patient never fabricated it to CT. Since it was her surgery, Bailey needs Jo to go talk to the family. Jo starts crying, thinking the patient is dead, while Bailey silently says she never said that. She interrupts Jo'due south yammering and says that the patient is fine. Bailey didn't take the patient to CT, because she saw Jo do it in the OR. Jo thinks Bailey has a problem, just Bailey says that second-guessing yourself is a problem. Before too long, at that place won't be anyone anymore to catch her mistakes. Her patients will have to trust that when she takes them into surgery, she knows what she's doing. Now, Jo can't look them to do that if she doesn't even trust herself. Jo concludes that Bailey is mean. Bailey says that she is, and tells Jo to tell all her little bitty friends.

Jackson sits downward with April on a bench. She's quite shocked by the surgery on Emily. He doesn't want her to worry, every bit she and their baby are just fine. Opposite to Jackson, April'due south never worried, because she believes it's all in God's hands. He doesn't know how she can just write off all the unanswered questions. The reply is that they don't get to know the answers, Apr says. April doesn't know why that woman had to die today. Because it all just happened, Jackson says. Now Apr can't sympathise he's comfortable with that answer.

Meredith lies down in the same on-call room that Maggie'southward resting in. They talk about Hattie and Norris. They've given them the best chance of survival they could. They accept to look and encounter. Meredith brings upwards terminal night again. Maggie snaps that she's not mad, but Meredith says that she sounds like someone who's mad. Of course, Maggie says. They invited her to dinner, and then didn't come to dinner at their own firm. She was really looking forward to having dinner with chat and dinner, as she doesn't know anyone in Seattle. She does nothing at night but eating alone and watching television, so even though she didn't want to talk to Webber, she was really looking forward to dinner. Maggie gets a page, informing them that Hattie's awake.

Sarah tells her mother what happened. Maggie says she'south doing well. Meredith tells her that her hubby saved her life by letting her country on him. Hattie jokes that that was stupid as Norris wakes upwardly in the bed next to hers. He says that the woman md promised to save her. And she was right. Hattie and Norris smile at each other.

Every bit Maggie and Meredith go out the room, Meredith asks if she's busy this evening. Maggie says she's gonna do some reading, but then gets what Meredith means. Really, she says, she'due south not busy.

Alex, Maggie, Callie, and Meredith are hanging out in the living room at Alex'due south house with beers. Maggie can't believe she's in Ellis' sometime firm. Meredith jokes the place was nicer before Alex trashed it. Jo is sitting in the other room past herself, reading. They reminiscence most the times they all lived in the house and George. Maggie is surprised that Callie once had a married man, bringing them on the bailiwick of their sexual history. Callie finds they're all related through their sex partners. Equally they all laugh, the doorbell rings. Alex lets Arizona in, who has her suitcase with her. She's surprised to see Callie in that location. She says she probably should've called get-go, but Herman told her to become abode and she wasn't really sure where to go to. Meredith simply says this is proof that everyone lives hither. Alex tells her where she tin can find the alcohol as a welcome. She thanks him, but Jo doesn't seem too happy about her moving in.

Amelia comes home from a coming together, finding Derek drinking. She says she's moving out tomorrow. He apologizes. He didn't hateful to injure her. She's sure virtually that. She's sure he didn't even think about her. He just saw an opening and took information technology. He says he's e'er protected her ever since their dad died. He didn't want to, and he'due south sure she didn't want him to either, only he promised it. When she came up here, he realized she didn't need it. She was more than fine. She can take care of herself at present, and he didn't need to anymore. She says she needed him today. He nods. He reveals he doesn't know who he is anymore. He'due south sure he's not anybody he ever thought he would be. He tried to brand the correct choices for Meredith, her and the kids. He's angry all the time and miserable and he doesn't know what to practise with it. All he does is hurt people that he doesn't want to injure it and he just can't get command of it. He doesn't know what to do anymore. Amelia recognizes the feeling. They call it rock bottom, she says as she walks to her room.

Cast [ ]

Master Cast [ ]

  • Ellen Pompeo every bit Dr. Meredith Grey
  • Justin Chambers as Dr. Alex Karev
  • Chandra Wilson as Dr. Miranda Bailey
  • James Pickens, Jr. as Dr. Richard Webber
  • Sara Ramírez as Dr. Callie Torres
  • Kevin McKidd as Dr. Owen Hunt
  • Jessica Capshaw as Dr. Arizona Robbins
  • Sarah Drew as Dr. April Kepner
  • Jesse Williams equally Dr. Jackson Avery
  • Caterina Scorsone as Dr. Amelia Shepherd
  • Camilla Luddington as Dr. Jo Wilson
  • Jerrika Hinton every bit Dr. Stephanie Edwards
  • Patrick Dempsey as Dr. Derek Shepherd

Guest Stars [ ]

  • Geena Davis equally Dr. Nicole Herman
  • Kelly McCreary as Dr. Maggie Pierce
  • Nicholas D'Agosto as Dr. Graham Maddox

Co-Starring [ ]

  • David Carpenter every bit Norris Straughn
  • Barbara Brownell as Hattie Straughn
  • Jessica Gardner every bit Sarah Straughn
  • Michael Antosy every bit Corey Jensen
  • Luciana Faulhaber as Emily Jensen
  • Teresa Huang as Nurse Ruth
  • Nicole Cummins as Paramedic Nicole
  • Payton Silverish every bit Dr. Knox
  • Kevin Clarke as Paramedic #i
  • Chris Schuette as Orderly
  • Laura Morgan equally OR Nurse

Uncredited [ ]

  • Katie Silverman equally Young Amelia Shepherd (archive footage)
  • Preston O'Brien equally Young Derek Shepherd(annal footage)
  • Brice Williams as Mr. Shepherd(archive footage)
  • Aaron Fors as Robber #ane(annal footage)
  • Alvin Cowan as Robber #2(archive footage)

Medical Notes [ ]

Nicole Herman [ ]

  • Diagnosis:
    • Brain Tumor
    • Migraine
  • Doctors:
  • Handling:
    • Radiation therapy
    • Oral medication

Nicole took oral medication for what she said was a migraine. It's unknown if this was related to her brain tumor. She later told Arizona that she had had heavy radiation treatment for her tumor.

Norris Straughn [ ]

  • Diagnosis:
    • Internal injuries
    • Leg fracture
    • Avulsed spleen
  • Doctors:
    • Callie Torres (orthopedic surgeon)
    • Meredith Gray (general surgeon)
    • Owen Hunt (trauma surgeon)
    • Maggie Pierce (cardiothoracic surgeon)
    • Amelia Shepherd (neurosurgeon)
  • Treatment:
    • Exploratory laparotomy
    • Fasciotomy

Norris, 69, jumped two floors out of a burning building while gripping his wife, Hattie. Because he wouldn't allow go of Hattie, whom paramedics believed to be dead, they were brought to the ER on a single gurney. After they got Norris to let go of Hattie, his injuries were assessed. He was taken from there to surgery, where Meredith repaired his internal injuries and Callie treated his leg.

Harriet Straughn [ ]

  • Diagnosis:
    • Hemopneumothorax
    • Depressed temporal os fracture
    • Cognitive spinal fluid leak
  • Doctors:
    • Meredith Grey (general surgeon)
    • Maggie Pierce (cardiothoracic surgeon)
    • Amelia Shepherd (neurosurgeon)
    • Owen Hunt (trauma surgeon)
    • Stephanie Edwards (surgical resident)
    • Derek Shepherd (neurosurgeon)
    • Jackson Avery (plastic surgeon)
  • Treatment:
    • Lobectomy
    • Spinal fluid leak repair

Hattie was brought into the ER after her husband, Norris, jumped out of a burning edifice with her. The paramedics couldn't discover a pulse, so they believed her to exist dead, but Norris wouldn't let her become, so they had to bring the two of them in together. They were able to get Norris to let go and Meredith took Hattie to declare her, but she found a pulse. She was discovered to have haemorrhage in her lungs and a skull fracture as well as a CSF leak. When Amelia was taken off the case at the request of Hattie's girl, Derek went through her olfactory organ to repair the CSF leak. Pierce had to remove a portion of her lung to stop the bleeding.

ER Patient [ ]

  • Diagnosis:
    • Head laceration
  • Doctors:
    • Derek Shepherd (neurosurgeon)
  • Treatment:
    • Stitches

Derek stitched up a head laceration in bed three.

Emily Jensen [ ]

  • Diagnosis:
    • Pregnancy
    • Placenta Percreta
  • Doctors:
    • Nicole Herman (fetal surgeon)
    • Arizona Robbins (fetal surgeon)
    • Graham Maddox (OB/GYN resident)
    • April Kepner (trauma surgeon)
  • Treatment:
    • C-section commitment

Emily was pregnant with a baby who had an SCT. When the babe developed anemia, Arizona made the decision to to deliver at 28 weeks and have Alex remove the tumor. All the same, after she delivered the baby, she left Graham to stop the c-section. She was called back when there were complications. Emily had placenta percreta, which acquired torrential bleeding when Graham tried to remove the placenta. Despite the efforts of Arizona and April, Emily was pronounced dead in the OR.

Baby Jensen [ ]

  • Diagnosis:
    • Sacrococcygeal teratoma
    • Anemia
    • Prematurity
  • Doctors:
    • Nicole Herman (fetal surgeon)
    • Arizona Robbins (fetal surgeon)
    • Graham Maddox (OB/GYN resident)
    • Alex Karev (pediatric surgeon)
  • Treatment:
    • Tumor resection

Infant Jensen began to bleed into her tumor, which was causing anemia. The initial plan was to exercise an intrauterine blood transfusion, simply Herman didn't answer whatever of Arizona'due south calls and Arizona didn't know how to do the transfusion, and so she instead elected to deliver the baby prematurely and have Alex operate to remove the tumor, which would stop the haemorrhage and resolve the anemia. The tumor resection went well and she was stable in the NICU afterward.

Jo's Patient [ ]

  • Diagnosis:
    • Hernia
  • Doctors:
    • Jo Wilson (surgical resident)
  • Treatment:
    • Transabdominal pre-peritoneal hernia repair

Jo did her first solo surgery on a patient with a hernia. Despite her thinking she might have missed a critical pace, the surgery went well.

Music [ ]

Song Performer Scene
"Feed My Soul" Lucy and the Cloud People
  • Meredith and Callie hash out their relationship troubles while operating
  • Jo gives Bailey a progress update on her solo surgery.
  • Arizona feels nostalgic equally she operates with Alex.
"Medicine" BROODS
  • Jo realizes a possible mistake.
  • Arizona races to Alex'south OR, only to find it empty.
  • When she finds him, he tells her the babe is fine. They update Corey on his girl and his wife.
  • Arizona comes back to her OR to a grim scene.
"Home" Ella Eyre
  • Meredith asks Maggie if she's decorated this evening.
  • Meredith, Maggie, Alex, and Callie hang out at Alex'due south house and drink beer while Jo studies on her ain in the other room.
  • Arizona arrives with her suitcase. Alex allows her to move in.
  • Amelia comes home to Derek waiting for her.

Notes and Trivia [ ]


Grey'due south Anatomy 11x07 Promo "Can We First Once more Delight?" (HD)

  • This episode's title originated from the song Could We Start Again, Please?, originally from Jesus Christ, Superstar by Andrew Lloyd Webber.
  • This episode scored viii.36 million viewers.
  • Filming for this episode was scheduled from September xxx to October eleven, 2014.
  • This episode is often mistakenly called Tin Nosotros Showtime Once more, Please?. This was thought to be episode's title until the writer tweeted the correct title.
    • On Netflix, that incorrect championship is used.
  • This episode uses the same Derek and Amelia flashbacks from "Who We Are".
  • Goof: The hernia surgery that Jo does as her first solo surgery is not technically her first solo surgery. In the flavor 9 premiere, Going, Going, Gone, Jo was chosen for a solo appendectomy, the first solo surgery of her intern class. Nonetheless, she did not complete the surgery as she ripped open the cecum and panicked, leading to Meredith stepping in to cease the process. This surgery was therefore the offset solo surgery that she completed without aid start to end.
  • Goof: When Owen and Amelia talk at the OR board, nosotros can see that there is a surgery called an Epigastic Hernia Repair scheduled. "Epigastic" is misspelled, and likely is supposed to say "Epigastric".

Gallery [ ]

Episode Stills [ ]

Behind the Scenes [ ]

Quotes [ ]

Meredith: What'due south wrong with you?
Callie: Uh... I was... I was up all night.
Meredith: Me as well.
Callie: Ah, Sofia's been interim out, asking questions about me and Arizona, and I don't know what to tell her or how to tell her, so I'1000 just not sleeping. I'grand miserable. Why didn't you sleep?
Meredith: Oh, y'all don't desire to know.
Callie: What's going on?
Meredith: Derek and I were up having sexual activity all nighttime.
Callie: Yes, I kind of didn't want to hear that.

Richard: She violated your privacy. And you lot are under no obligation to tell anyone annihilation more, unless you've done something to compromise your ability to do your job, and y'all haven't. So you don't need to say anything more nigh it. Okay. Those are your rights. It's the past, and you don't take to defend information technology.
Amelia: I idea I got away from information technology. Coming hither, I thought... I thought I had a chance to... Only y'all never become away from it.

Jackson: I mean, what would be the point of knowing everything you lot possibly could about your kid when it'due south so much fun to exist hopelessly unprepared, right?
Derek: Yeah, nosotros found out my son was a boy.
Jackson: See?
Derek: Yeah, simply I didn't know he was gonna be delivered by an intern in a pitch-black room in the middle of a superstorm, but surprises happen.
Jackson: That's a good story, but I find no condolement in it.
Derek: Yes, well, and this. I've been on the bench for weeks, however here I am, saving a woman's life without fifty-fifty opening her skull. Encompass surprises, Avery.

Callie: We're all related through sex activity. We all have sexual relations. That is horribly weird.

Miranda: She'due south fine!
Jo: What?
Miranda: I didn't say she was expressionless. I said she never fabricated information technology to C.T.
Jo: You're... you lot're screwing with me.
Miranda: I didn't take her to C.T. considering I saw you lot exercise information technology in the OR, Dr. Badass.
Jo: Oh, my God. Oh, my God! You have a problem!
Miranda: No, you do. You 2nd-estimate yourself. This was the first in a career full of surgeries you will be doing alone. Before too long, at that place won't be anyone to catch you when you autumn. Your patients need to trust that when yous take them into surgery, you know what yous're doing. Now, how can you expect them to do that if you lot don't even trust yourself?
Jo: You are and so hateful.
Miranda: I am, indeed. Tell all your Piffling Bitty friends.

Meredith: Once more, about last night...
Maggie: Would you let it go? I'1000 not mad.
Meredith: Well, you sound like someone who's mad.
Maggie: Of course I'm mad. Y'all invited me to dinner, and then didn't come to the dinner at your ain business firm!
Meredith: I know. I told Derek it was a bad thought. You didn't want to talk to Richard.
Maggie: I wanted to take dinner, with people and chat. I don't know anyone here. I have no friends. I do nothing at night. I become to the grocery store, and I buy sad single-serving packets of food for sad people who eat alone. I was actually excited for pot roast. And people! I changed my outfit four times. And, no, I didn't desire to talk to Webber, but that wasn't gonna stop me from coming, because I'1000 really sick of talking back to my TV, and I'g scared I'm gonna get a cat.

Derek: I know y'all're trying to figure out what'southward going on. I know you've heard some stories about Amelia. I permit you believe something. I let y'all believe that, uh...
Owen: Shepherd, you lot were pretty clear when we spoke, so...
Derek: She'southward in recovery. She works really hard at information technology. She's been successful in recovery, and... This hospital should have protected her. This adult female should have protected her. And... More importantly, I should accept protected her. I didn't. And I didn't considering I wanted her job. I wanted my old chore back.

Derek: I don't know who I am anymore. Non everyone I always idea I'd be. I try and make the correct choices for Meredith, the kids, yous. And, um... I'm angry all the time. I'yard miserable, and I don't know what to do with information technology. All I do is hurt people. The last people I want to injure, and I just... I just tin can't get control of information technology. I don't know what to do anymore.
Amelia: I know how you feel. We call information technology rock bottom.

See Too [ ]

A complete overview of this episode'south coiffure tin can be constitute hither.


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