How Misdemeanor Family Violence Cases Are Processed in Texas

cuffed from behindAs a criminal defense chaser in Austin, Texas, I am often approached by clients who have been charged with domestic violence (besides known as "family violence") related crimes. For obvious reasons, law enforcement officers and prosecutors take domestic violence charges extremely seriously. In some cases, however, the defendant has been the victim of false accusations, was wrongfully accused after acting in cocky-defence force, or was the bailiwick of overzealous police practices. Family unit violence convictions may event in incarceration, fines, the loss of one's right to carry arms, and creation of a permanent criminal record. Convictions may impact ongoing divorce or kid custody cases, or result in loss of employment or housing opportunities. Information technology is imperative, therefore, to vigorously defend against any domestic violence charge. Engaging an attorney with experience in domestic violence defense force as shortly as possible afterwards an arrest can brand an of import departure in your case. If you need assistance, contact my function to schedule a consultation.

This guide is intended to provide basic information about defending against domestic violence charges in Austin and elsewhere in Texas. Y'all tin can navigate the guide by using the "jump to section" links below. Topics addressed include:

  1. Understanding domestic violence charges in Texas (leap to section)
  2. Agreement the criminal penalties and legal consequences for Texas residents convicted of domestic violence charges (spring to section)
    • Texas residents charged with family violence may face misdemeanor or felony charges
    • Additional consequences of a confidence
  3. Defending against domestic violence charges in Texas (jump to section)
    • The importance of kickoff preparation of ane's defence force as before long equally possible
    • Defending confronting such charges at trial
    • Possible ramble defenses confronting domestic violence charges
      • Miranda issues which arise in domestic violence cases
      • Possible search and seizure issues in such matters
      • Excluding eyewitness testimony based on overly suggestive police tactics
    • Other mutual defenses presented at trial
      • Defending against false domestic violence accusations
      • Cocky-defense force in Texas family unit violence cases
    • The importance of selecting an experienced criminal defense attorney to assist you lot

Agreement domestic violence charges in Texas

dorsum to superlative
handcuffed man in courtWhen a Texas resident commits an deed of violence or threatens violence confronting their current or former spouse, a family member,a household fellow member, or a romantic partner so that person has committed an act of domestic violence under Texas constabulary.[i] Such offenses fall inside three categories: domestic assault, aggravated domestic assault, or continuous violence confronting the family unit. The type of charge levied will depend upon the type of conduct, the severity of the injuries suffered by the victim, and the history of the attacker. Domestic violence convictions carry serious criminal penalties. Even first-time offenders confront possible incarceration and hefty fines. Penalties for aggravated felony family unit violence charges can result in up to 90-nine years in prison and up to a $10,000 fine. Those convicted face boosted consequences, such every bit deportation for not-The states citizens, a permanent criminal tape, and prohibition against owning or possessing a firearm in the future.

In light of the potentially extreme consequences, it is imperative for those who are accused of domestic violence to take the charges seriously and defend themselves to the maximum extent possible. An experienced criminal defense chaser can aid y'all understand the charges against you, the potential penalties, and will develop defense strategies to protect your legal rights. The first footstep in mounting an constructive defense is to empathize Texas constabulary and the elements of the offenses. This section of the Guide volition provide an overview of the Texas statutes related to domestic violence.

Texas does not have a stand-alone domestic violence law. Instead, the Texas Penal Lawmaking's assault and aggravated assault statutes provide for elevated penalties when the victim of such deportment is a family member, a household fellow member, or has a dating relationship with the accused. To sympathise what constitutes domestic assault in Texas, ane must beginning review the definition of assault, equally defined in Section 22.01 of the Texas Penal Code. Assail occurs when one:

  • intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly causes bodily injury to another person, including the person's spouse;
  • intentionally or knowingly threatens another person with imminent bodily injury, including a person'southward spouse; or
  • intentionally or knowingly causes physical contact with another which the offender knows, or should know, will be provocative or offensive to the victim.[ii]

When the set on results in serious bodily injury to the victim or the aggressor uses or exhibits a mortiferous weapon during the set on, the offense will be considered aggravated assault.[iii]

The definitions of assail and aggravated attack specifically reference violence against a spouse. As mentioned higher up, domestic violence can occur in situations which get beyond altercations between spouses. The Texas Family Code broadly defines "family violence" to include assault crimes inflicted upon additional categories of people. The Code clarifies that an human action of family violence is:

  • an act by a member of a family or household against some other fellow member of the family or household that is intended to result in concrete damage, bodily injury, set on, or sexual assault or that is a threat that reasonably places the member in fear of imminent physical impairment, bodily injury, assault, or sexual assault, but does non include defensive measures to protect oneself;
  • corruption, equally that term is divers by Sections 261.001(one)(C), (East), (M), (H), (I), (J), (K), and (M), past a member of a family unit or household toward a kid of the family or household; or
  • dating violence, as that term is defined by Section 71.0021.

The statute clarifies that a fellow member of a household means anyone currently or previously residing the same dwelling house, whether or not related. Information technology also defines a member of a family to include not only individuals who are related, but too old spouses, co-parents whether or non married in the past, and those with foster parent-child relationships. Section 71.0021 of the Texas Family Code has likewise been expanded to include "dating violence," which applies to those who are currently in or previously involved in a romantic or intimate relationship.[4]

A person may be charged with domestic assail, therefore, when the declared set on has been committed confronting a spouse, family unit fellow member, household member, or romantic partner. If the domestic assault results in the victim'due south serious injury or a weapon was used or brandished during the upshot, the defendant may exist charged with aggravated domestic assault. Texas law establishes a 3rd category of domestic violence, called "Continuous Violence Against The Family." A accused may be charged with this offense if they engage in domestic assault or aggravated domestic assault two or more times inside a twelve calendar month period.[v] Convictions for each of these crimes carry pregnant penalties. The next Department of the Guide will review the potential criminal penalties and other legal consequences of domestic violence charges.

Understanding the criminal penalties and legal consequences for Texas residents convicted of domestic violence charges

dorsum to meridian
man holding barsTexas, like other states across the country, takes a stringent arroyo to penalties for domestic violence convictions. Depending upon the severity of the action, the touch on on the victim and the criminal history of the actor, charges can exist categorized anywhere between Class C misdemeanors through showtime degree felonies. Punishments range from $500-$10,000 fines and up to 99 years' imprisonment. In addition to incarceration and financial penalties, those bedevilled of domestic violence face other consequences. Regardless of whether a misdemeanor or felony, offenders are prohibited under both Texas and federal law from owning or possessing a firearm. Non-US citizens may face deportation under federal law. Criminal convictions appearing on background checks may preclude opportunities for employment, outcome in revocation of professional person licenses, or prevent the person from obtaining housing. Domestic violence convictions cannot be expunged from the actor's criminal record. Only arrests and charges not resulting in a conviction can be erased from 1's tape. Information technology is imperative, therefore, to retain a criminal defence force attorney to defend against these serious consequences.

Texas residents charged with domestic violence may face up misdemeanor or felony charges

The Texas Penal Code imposes a sliding scale of punishments for family violence convictions. The seriousness of the charge is directly related to the seriousness of the offense. A person who threatens bodily injury against a family member – or touches them in a way they find offensive, even if not painful – volition confront Grade C misdemeanor charges. Those convicted of domestic assault resulting in bodily injury, nonetheless, will be charged with a Course A misdemeanor if it is their start criminal offense.[vi] Bodily injury just ways pain; information technology does not require an injury requiring medical attending or even a visible injury. If the offender has previously been bedevilled of domestic set on or the crime involved choking or suffocating the victim, the charge volition be elevated to a 3rd degree felony.[vii] If the actor has a prior domestic violence conviction and the assault in question involved choking or suffocating the victim, then the accused volition face second degree felony charges.[viii] Texas law considers findings of guilt as well as guilty or no contest pleas that result in deferred adjudication, or probation or similar charges from other states, equally prior domestic violence convictions.[nine]

The presence or use of a weapon or serious injury of the victim will farther elevate the domestic assail charge to aggravated domestic assault. An injury is "serious" if information technology is life-threatening or causes permanent disfigurement. Any object that tin be used to cause serious damage may exist considered a weapon, such as a gun, knife, baseball bat or vehicle. Aggravated domestic assault is a second degree felony unless the victim is seriously injured and a weapon was nowadays or used during the attack, in which case first degree felony charges will apply.[10] If more than one family violence event occurs within twelve months, whether against the aforementioned victim or otherwise, the accused may face third caste felony charges.[xi]

Penalties for these charges are equally follows:

  • Class C misdemeanor: upward to a $500 fine
  • Class A misdemeanor: upwards to one year in jail and up to a $4,000 fine
  • 3rd degree felony: at least 2 years in jail and a fine not to exceed $10,000
  • 2d degree felony: two-20 years in jail and a fine not to exceed $10,000
  • Get-go degree felony: 5-99 years in jail and a fine not to exceed $x,000

It is important to annotation that the very presence of a weapon, whether or not used in the assault, will elevate what may accept been a Grade A misdemeanor to a much more serious accuse. For instance, a husband and wife are engaged in a heated word, during which the husband loses his temper and shoves his married woman. The law respond to their home and, while they are interviewing the husband, they find that he has a firearm on his person which was nowadays at the fourth dimension of the assault. The wife, who knows that her husband always carries his firearm during the mean solar day, felt threatened by its presence. If no firearm was nowadays at the time, the husband may have faced Class A misdemeanor charges, punishable by a fine of up to $4,000, upwards to one yr in jail or both. Because the gun was present at the time, even though it was never used or brandished during the fight, he may face a felony of the second degree, which could upshot in mandatory jail time and a fine of up to $10,000.

Texas residents convicted of domestic violence may face boosted consequences

As discussed above, family violence convictions may result in potential incarceration and pregnant fines. For obvious reasons, these consequences may be devastating to the offender and their family. Boosted ramifications may not exist quite every bit well-known, merely may outlive the term of incarceration of the fiscal impact of a fine. Given the long-term touch on one'southward power to work, find housing, bear arms and more are additional reasons to vigorously defend against domestic violence charges.

First, one's correct to deport artillery may be permanently impacted by a domestic violence confidence. Both Texas and federal police force prohibit those convicted of misdemeanor or felony domestic violence from owning or possessing firearms in the future. These statutes, known as "Felon In Possession" laws, brand it illegal for someone with a felony or misdemeanor domestic violence charge to own, employ, possess or transport firearms. Texas Penal Code Section 46.04 applies for a menstruum of five years after the end of the person's criminal penalty. The federal ban, set along in xviii U.S.C. 922(thousand) even so, imposes a lifelong brake against gun ownership or possession. One institute in violation of either statute may exist charged with unlawful possession of a firearm, which could lead to additional felony penalties.[xii] A Texas resident who has been convicted of domestic violence in some other country will yet be prohibited from possessing a firearm under Texas law. Not but does this statute prohibit recreational apply of firearms, merely those required to carry guns in the class of their employment volition also exist prohibited from doing so. Those with jobs in law enforcement, security or others requiring firearm handling may be forced to notice alternative work.

Second, anytime a Texas resident is arrested, charged or convicted with a crime, that information becomes a role of the resident'southward criminal tape. One's criminal history is by and large discoverable every bit part of routine background checks. Background checks are commonly required in connection with employment applications, credit checks and housing applications. For those with domestic violence convictions on their record, finding a job, getting a loan or renting an apartment may become much more than difficult. Only records of arrests and charges that practise not result in a confidence can be expunged from criminal records under Texas law. Convictions will, therefore, remain on one's record the rest of their life. For these reasons, I cannot overstate the importance of retaining an attorney with the experience necessary to protect against the long-term negative implications of a conviction.

Defending confronting domestic violence charges in the country of Texas

back to height
Cuffed man in jumpsuitAs outlined in a higher place, the consequences of domestic violence convictions in Austin and elsewhere in Texas can be severe. Jail time, fines, and prohibition against firearm buying, are amongst the various adverse outcomes of a conviction. In many cases, information technology is possible to defend oneself against family violence charges. For instance, it is not uncommon for a person to be falsely accused of domestic violence or for the accused to have been acting in self-defense. Police misconduct in violation of the accused's ramble rights may be grounds for excluding evidence, which may lead to the dismissal of charges. Some defense bug can be presented to the courtroom before a trial ever begins. Others must be presented at trial. The next section of this Guide volition review the procedure of defending oneself after 1 has been charged with domestic violence.

Information technology is important to retain counsel with criminal law experience to investigate the defensibility of your case every bit soon every bit possible after an abort. The attorney volition advise whether a plea bargain may or may not be beneficial to your example. Your lawyer will ready the necessary pretrial Motions seeking to exclude testify obtained in violation of your constitutional rights. Should the instance proceed to trial, counsel familiar with the Texas criminal court system will effectively present your example to the jury and Judge. If you lot need aid, contact my office to speak to an Austin criminal defense attorney.

The importance of preparing one's domestic violence defense as soon equally possible

An experienced criminal defense attorney begins each domestic violence case assuming that it volition end in a jury trial. Preparation for the trial should brainstorm as soon every bit possible afterward the abort. Defense counsel will take multiple steps in anticipation of the trial engagement. Start, counsel volition brainstorm a thorough investigation of the thing. This investigation volition include, if possible, visiting the scene of the incident, interviewing witnesses, and analyzing all discovery (evidence) provided by the prosecution. This crucial step volition help the attorney empathize what defenses may exist available to accused.

Counsel will examine whether the defendant's constitutional rights were violated in any mode by the police during the arrest procedure. Defence counsel will look for any bachelor concrete show possibly exonerating his client, such as video surveillance, phone recordings, or other documentary show. For example, an accuser claims that the accused pushed her through a bedroom doorway into a bathroom and acquired her to striking her head on the bathroom sink. The defendant claims the layout of the apartment makes the accusation impossible and that the allegation is false. A temporary protection guild prevents the defendant from taking his lawyer to the apartment. Counsel requests a pattern of the apartment'southward layout from the owner and plans to present it as evidence at trial in support of the defence force. This piece of show may prove the accuser was lying and establish his client'due south innocence.

Using the information gathered in the investigation, the 2d step is for counsel to gear up and file whatsoever necessary motions with the court. Such motions may include requests to exclude statements or show and requests to forestall in-courtroom eyewitness identifications. Defendants should remain in contact with defence force counsel during this process. Information technology is important to retain an attorney who volition take the fourth dimension to explain every step to you lot and brand sure you understand your options and the evidence confronting you.

Defending against family violence charges at trial in Texas

Many states do not permit jury trials in domestic violence cases unless a accused has been charged with felony domestic assault. This is non the case in Texas, still, which grants residents the correct to a jury trial in cases involving misdemeanor domestic violence as well. Those charged with a misdemeanor offense may have their case decided past a jury composed of six jurors. This differs from felony offenses, which are typically decided by a twelve-member jury. In both settings the jury must reach a unanimous verdict of the defendant's guilt. Alternatively, the jury may unanimously decide that the accused is non guilty. In that instance, the accused tin immediately brainstorm the process of expunging the records of their abort and charges from their record. If the jury cannot attain a unanimous decision, then the case will result in a mistrial and the defendant may later be retried on the same charge.

The first step in the trial process is jury option. Potential jurors, or members of a "jury puddle," are members of the community who are summoned for duty. The court volition question and remove jurors whom the guess finds incapable of being impartial. Additionally, the attorneys will each have a number of challenges which they may use to remove jurors from the pool. A juror may not be removed for any discriminatory reason. Once the selection is finalized and the jury has been empaneled, the prosecutor and defense counsel for each side will present their opening statements. The prosecution will nowadays their witnesses and prove commencement. The defense may so nowadays its case, or choose to rest with no prove if the defense chaser believes the prosecution has failed to evidence its instance. If the defence presents testify, the prosecution may answer with "rebuttal" testify. Rebuttal is not a time to nowadays new theories. Instead, the prosecution may just directly refute any evidence presented by the defendant. Once all bear witness has been presented and so each side will make a closing argument. The jurors will deliberate and effect a verdict.

It is crucial that your attorney be experienced in dealing with juries. Domestic violence cases tin can involve complicated factual disputes and legal theories. The jurors volition have dissimilar educational backgrounds and often do not have legal knowledge. It is important, therefore, that your matter be presented in a way that is easy to follow and understand. Experienced defense force counsel will empathize how to challenge the prosecution'due south prove and what evidence, if whatsoever, might be needed to counter it.

This is best illustrated by an example. Consider a situation in which a separated husband and wife are involved in a divorce and custody instance. During the pendency of the divorce, the hubby accuses the married woman of punching him when he dropped their son off at her apartment. His prove consists of statements from two neighbors' who saw her punch him in their shared hallway. She admits to punching him just claims she did then in self-defense after he started the altercation by shoving her. The defence force attorney, after conducting a thorough investigation, could not locate any other witness to the effect. After searching the premises, still, he locates and submits video doorbell surveillance from another neighbour's flat that captured the unabridged meet, including the husband shoving her repeatedly earlier the punch. By locating the footage, clearly explaining the pieces of data to the jury, and challenging the prosecution's bystander testify, the defense counsel may successfully demonstrate that his customer's actions were in self-defense. If the jury unanimously exonerates her, the attorney will not merely have prevented criminal penalties for the domestic violence charges but may also have prevented the wife from a restriction or loss in her kid custody case.

Constitutional defenses against domestic violence charges in Texas

As noted in the previous section, following the accused'south domestic violence abort, defense counsel will comport a thorough investigation of the details surrounding the defendant's arrest, interrogation by the police, and the prosecution's evidence. The attorney may discover that the methods used by the police violated the defendant's ramble rights. If so, counsel will fix the necessary pretrial motions, asking the judge to exclude evidence gathered as a result of the violation. This may include concrete evidence gathered during an abort, statements made by the defendant, or bystander testimony at trial. In some cases, if the prosecution is relying solely or heavily on the excluded prove, the charges may be dismissed entirely. Whether constitutional defenses are available volition be based on the specific facts of each example.

It is important to note that requests to exclude evidence are typically made prior to the trial in the form of pretrial Motions. After defence force counsel files a motion to suppress show, a hearing date will exist set and the Gauge will hold an "evidentiary hearing" to determine whether the evidence or statements should be admissible at a trial. This hearing volition involve the absorbing officers testifying about how the show was nerveless and how the statements were obtained. Your attorney will have the opportunity to cross-examine the officers and to phone call witnesses on your behalf. At the end of the hearing the Judge will issue a ruling on whether or not evidence should be admissible at trial. These Motions are frequently based on complicated legal arguments and constitutional theory. Therefore, it is important to retain counsel with experience preparing pretrial Motions and presenting information clearly and finer in Court. If you need assistance with a domestic violence event, contact my office to speak to an Austin chaser.

Common Miranda problems arising in Texas domestic violence cases

Pursuant to the Fifth Amendment of the Us Constitution, anyone in police custody must exist notified of their right to remain silent and to have a lawyer present while being questioned. Commonly known as Miranda rights, these warnings must exist given to a person when they are "in custody". One is considered to be in custody at the moment in time an average reasonable person in the aforementioned situation would not experience complimentary to go out. This often occurs before one is actually arrested. For instance, if a suspect is being held in the dorsum of the police car with the doors airtight, that person would likely exist considered to be in police custody. Once in police custody, self-incriminating statements made prior to existence given Miranda warnings, may be excluded from show.

Domestic violence defenses are commonly based upon a violation of the Miranda requirements. Police force very often separate the parties when responding to reports of family violence and interview them about the declared events. During the interviews, the police will question those present in an attempt to corroborate the various stories. It is easy to imagine a circumstance in which a suspect willingly speaks to the constabulary, and makes an incriminating statement that leads to his abort. For example, after responding to a call reporting a fight in the neighboring apartment, the police force move a husband and wife into divide law cars to exist interviewed about the upshot. The officers do not provide Miranda warnings to either. During her report to the police, she accuses him of hitting her. When he is asked if he hitting her, he says yes and is arrested. He did not inform them that she had punched and kicked him repeatedly during their fight before he responded to defend himself. His defense counsel will likely file a movement to exclude the statements fabricated by the accused while in the police car because they were given in violation of his Miranda rights. Depending on the strength of the other evidence against him,  the domestic violence charges may exist dismissed by the prosecution if the prosecutors believe they then lack enough evidence to go on.

Search and seizure issues in Texas domestic violence cases

There are many instances in which a domestic violence arrest may involve police force enforcement's violation of the defendant'due south Fourth Subpoena right against unreasonable search and seizure. If the police have probable crusade to believe a suspect has committed a family violence offense, they may abort the person without a warrant. There are limitations, withal, to the officer's ability to conduct a warrantless search for bear witness in connexion with an arrest. Generally, an officeholder is permitted to conduct a limited search of the person and any expanse in the officeholder's "plainly sight." Bear witness establish during this limited search, such as a gun plant during a frisk, will likely be admitted against the suspect. Law enforcement is required to obtain a warrant for searches exterior of this limited scope. Evidence seized during a warrantless search may be excluded from the case if obtained in violation of the Fourth Amendment. Depending upon the facts of the case and whether the prosecution has additional prove, a successful Move may outcome in reduced charges or a dismissal of the case.

Consider the following example, a beau and girlfriend who live apart, get into a fight at her domicile. After he leaves, she notifies the police that he slapped her and threatened her with a baseball game bat. The officers go to his apartment to question him and talk to him outside. He admits that they had a concrete fight and they arrest him for domestic assail. Afterward he is taken into custody, the officer goes into his apartment, conducts a search without the suspect's consent and locates a baseball bat in the man's bedroom. He seizes the bat as evidence in support of an aggravated domestic set on charge. This search without a warrant would likely be considered a violation of the suspect's rights. Successfully excluding this testify could make the difference between misdemeanor domestic set on and felony aggravated domestic assault charges.

Excluding eyewitness testimony based on overly suggestive police tactics in Texas family violence cases

In domestic violence matters, a prosecutor'southward case may be heavily based upon an eyewitness' identification of the defendant. One tin imagine, for example, a state of affairs where a third party witnesses and reports a public altercation to the police and the alleged assailant must be identified after the fact. Given the impact of this type of show, it is important to establish whether the witness' identification of the suspect is reliable. When the police solicit and obtain an identification by the witness, they may non utilise overly suggestive practices, such as presenting a line-upwards where the suspect evidently stands out from the others. If so, the identification may be excluded, meaning that information technology would non be used every bit bear witness against the accused. If the prosecution's instance is based on the eyewitness identification, then precluding the witness from testifying at trial may result in a defendant successfully defending against the charges.

The United States Supreme Court has established a two-part test outlining the guidelines by which police behavior and the reliability of witness identifications can exist evaluated. Kickoff, the court volition review whether the police behaved in a suggestive mode to solicit the identification. Behavior such every bit showing the witness a photo of the accused before the line-upwards may be considered suggestive. If suggestive behavior occurred, and then the court volition review a series of reliability factors to determine if witness' evidence should be admitted. These may include the witness' distance from the issue and accused, the accurateness of the description given to the police force or conviction of the witness during a line-up. If the judge determines that suggestive beliefs occurred and the identification was not reliable, the witness may exist prevented from testifying at trial and the identification will exist excluded from evidence.

Consider the following example. A woman visiting a crowded playground with her children claims that she witnessed a blond woman aggressively attacking her ii small children on the other side of the park on the walking trail. She notifies police and gives her description. The next solar day, the law patrol the park and locate a woman with blond hair playing with ii kids. They handcuff her and detain her in the patrol car. The police locate the witness at the park and ask her if the woman in the team auto is the attacker. She positively identifies her as the aggressor. By presenting the doubtable to the witness while in custody with no other suspects by comparison, the constabulary have engaged in suggestive beliefs. In reviewing the reliability of the witness' identification, the judge would probable note that the witness was extremely far away from the attack with a bad vantage indicate. The judge may also consider that the park was crowded at the time, the identification was 24 hours after the declared attack, and that many families present at the park met the clarification of the suspect'due south family. If plant to be unreliable, the witness would exist prevented from testifying against the doubtable at trial.

Being wrongfully accused of a law-breaking, whether as a result of an bystander mistake or identification due to suggestive police activity is an extremely serious matter. Defending oneself against such claims tin involve complicated legal theories and will depend upon the facts of each specific example. I cannot overemphasize the importance of retaining an experienced criminal defense lawyer to review the facts of your situation and zealously defend your rights. If yous have been accused of domestic violence, contact my office today to speak with an Austin criminal defence force lawyer.

Other common defenses against Texas domestic violence charges presented at trial

Austin residents may exist required to defend against false accusations of domestic violence

Domestic violence charges are, unfortunately, ofttimes based on false allegations for a diverseness of reasons. It is not uncommon, for instance, for individuals to fabricate family violence claims to use as leverage in divorce or child custody proceedings. If a person is the subject area of a civil protective lodge as a result of family violence accusations or is convicted of domestic assault, it is unlikely that a family courtroom Judge would accolade main, or even articulation, custody of a child. The judge may fifty-fifty decide that the offending party's visitation must be supervised.

In other instances, false domestic violence claims are sometimes based on revenge. Attempting to punish a sometime significant other by falsely accusing them of assault is irrational, simply non uncommon. Creating problems for an ex by damaging their reputation, causing them to incur legal expenses and potentially subjecting them to incarceration or fines is an farthermost way of handling the end of a relationship. Failing to defend oneself, fifty-fifty if the accusation seems outlandish, tin have serious consequences including receiving a permanent criminal tape and being disqualified from future employment. It is essential therefore to have the matter seriously and vigorously defend oneself confronting imitation accusations of domestic violence.

Information technology is easy to understand why a defendant may view false allegations every bit "ridiculous" while thinking that they will simply explain the matter to the judge. Whether or non the accused is facing a temporary protection order hearing or is formally charged with domestic violence, they even so run the chance of being found guilty of the accusations. This means your attorney will be required to present evidence in your defense demonstrating that the alleged consequence did non occur. Taking a lackadaisical approach to the made charges or waiting to retain counsel may result in potentially disastrous consequences. Information technology is of import to sympathize that you lot are facing criminal charges and that a failure to vigorously defend yourself is a mistake. Retaining a defense chaser equally early in the procedure every bit possible will permit counsel to fully investigate the case, make the necessary arguments on your behalf and protect your legal rights.

Texas residents are permitted to engage in cocky-defense in domestic violence matters

Austin residents have the correct to defend themselves confronting aggression from others, including in the context of family violence. Under Texas police force, a person may use reasonable and proportionate force to defend themselves. This means that you may protect yourself just may use no more force than is necessary to do and so. Whether one'due south amount of response is considered reasonable will depend, of class, on the specific facts surrounding the altercation. For example, if a person is attacked with a weapon, the use of a weapon to defend themself may indeed be appropriate. If, on the other manus, i uses a gun to reply to existence verbally threatened, that will probable non exist considered reasonably necessary.

Information technology is possible for Austin residents to be acquitted of domestic violence if they tin establish that they were acting in cocky-defense. It is not uncommon for one accused of family violence to take been mistaken for the initial aggressor in a fight. For example, if an eyewitness sees a hubby pin his wife's artillery to her sides and restrain her, the witness may believe he was attacking her. During the trial, the husband's attorney cross-examines his wife and the eyewitness to define their version of events. Counsel introduces prove which contradicts her story, including a photo after the incident showing multiple bruises. This could be seen as testify that the husband was simply protecting himself from farther attack. This compelling testify helps prove he acted in self-defence. Working with an attorney with trial experience and the ability to convey legal theories and disputed facts clearly to a jury is imperative to any self-defense instance.

The importance of selecting an experienced Texas criminal defense chaser in domestic violence matters

Equally mentioned throughout this Guide, the consequences of a domestic violence conviction can be devastating. Retaining an attorney with experience in criminal defence force volition be essential to protecting your legal rights. Your lawyer will investigate the details of your arrest and the charges against yous to determine which defenses may be available to you. Whether you have been falsely accused of a criminal offence or are the victim of police misconduct, you are entitled to a vigorous defense of your rights. Your attorney should empathize how best to present your example to the Guess and jury, either through pretrial Motions or at trial. Finally, constructive counsel will be prepared to handle a case from start to end, including appealing unfavorable outcomes if necessary.

I am an Austin criminal defense force lawyer handling domestic assault cases. I have been licensed since 1995 and am certified by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization equally a specialist in criminal law. I believe that every client is entitled to an aggressive defense. I volition piece of work diligently to represent y'all at trial, volition make sure that your rights are protected throughout the process, and will ensure that y'all know what to await equally the process moves forward. If you have a pending divorce or child custody case, I will coordinate with your family constabulary chaser to attempt to ensure that the outcome of the criminal case does not adversely touch on your rights to child custody, visitation, and the division of belongings. I devote my practice to protecting the rights of the accused and I am set up to assist you.

In addition to Austin our business firm also services the cities of Rollingwood, Round Rock, Elgin, Jonestown, Estate, Bee Cave, Lago Vista, Sunset Valley, Lakeway, Creedmoor, Georgetown, Cedar Park, Leander, and San Marcos, Texas.

[i] See Texas Family Code Ann. (Section 71.003) accessed on April 13, 2020 at

[2] Run across Texas Penal Lawmaking Ann. (Section 22.01) accessed on April 13, 2020 at

[iii] See Texas Penal Code Ann. (Section 22.02) accessed on Apr 13, 2020 at

[four] Run across Texas Family Lawmaking Ann. (Section 71.0021) accessed on April 13, 2020 at

[v] Run into Texas Penal Lawmaking Ann. (Department 25.11) accessed on April 13, 2020 at

[vi] See Texas Penal Code Ann. (Section 22.01(b)) accessed on Apr 13, 2020 at

[vii] Meet Texas Penal Lawmaking Ann. (Section 22.01(b)(ii)) accessed on April 13, 2020 at

[viii] See Texas Penal Code Ann. (Department 22.01(b-three)) accessed on Apr 13, 2020 at

[ix] Encounter Texas Penal Lawmaking Ann. (Section 22.01(f)) accessed on April 13, 2020 at

[x] See Texas Penal Code Ann. (Section 22.02(b)) accessed on April xiii, 2020 at

[xi] Encounter Texas Penal Code Ann. (Section 25.11) accessed on Apr 16, 2020 at

[xii]18 UsaC. 922(1000) accessed on Apr 16, 2020 at


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